5. Not Following Up When You Say You Will
Oh boy is this a big one! And I hear about it all the time (which is why it's #5!)
This is paramount in keeping your Dating Karma clean.
So you've met someone that is nice enough, but just not right for you. They've handed you their card and said, "Give me a call!" and before you can stop yourself, you've responded with, "Yeah, absolutely!" all the while thinking "I'm never going to call you." Well guess what? YOU HAVE TO. Just bite the bullet, and DO WHAT YOU SAID YOU WOULD.
Put on your big boy pants, dial the number, and simply tell the person "I don't feel a romantic connection between us, but we could hang out as friends sometime." I know this isn't easy to say; it feels easier to hide away and not return their phone calls, or send them an email talking about how busy you are with work and travel. Just because it's the right thing to do, doesn't mean it's the easiest. Welcome to adulthood.
If you tell a friend/coworker/partner/sibling that you'll call them on Wednesday, CALL THEM ON WEDNESDAY. Following up in these small ways adds up over time, and people begin to view you as a person they can count on and trust. And that's a great reputation to get!